
Microsoft 365 / Office 365 A1 人工审核通过了,有了教育优惠 / 教育 TAG


Microsoft 365 / Office 365 A1 人工审核通过了,有了教育优惠 / 教育 TAG


后台有了教育优惠 / 教育 TAG

可以免费购买 Microsoft 365 / Office 365 A1 学生和教职员工订阅





Hello Jack,

Kindly fill and send the below Educational verification questionnaire for escalation to the dedicated team.

To begin the process of approval, please fill and send back to me the form below:

a. Organization Name:

b. Tenant Domain (*

c. Customer contact email (provided by customer):

d. Customer contact phone number (provided by customer):

e. Customer’s organization website URL or domain (this is required to qualify as an academic institution):

If your institution is a “Qualified Educational User”, it is eligible to acquire Microsoft Academic Edition products. Please answer the below questions to help determine your eligibility for

If you believe we have an incorrect domain please reply back and provide the correct domain along with the answered questionnaire below. (Example:

1. What is your institution’s active website URL: ____________________

2. Please describe your institution in detail (classes offered, degrees/certificates that can be obtained, type of educational institution and what it does, etc.).

3. Is your institution accredited by the applicable governmental regulatory agency in the country in which your Educational Institution has its principal offices? Yes _____ No _______

a. If yes, which government regulatory agency did you receive your accreditation from?________________

4. Is your institution a full-time teaching institution/organization which is non-academic and/or non-government recognized? Yes _____ No_______

5. Are you a local, regional or national office that administers one or more Educational Institutions? Yes _____ No _______

6. Are you one of the following Public Institutions (mark answer below):

a. Public Library
b. Public Museum
c. Charitable Organization
d. Not applicable

7. Do you have a partner assisting with your deployment of O365? Yes _____ No _______

a. If yes, please provide their company name ________________

Unfortunately, without this information we are unable to assist further with your request.

However, as soon as we receive the requested information from you, we will be happy to proceed with your request.

Please let us know if you have any other questions and provide a valid phone number for me to call you on for further assistance.

Best Regards,

Google Voice 靓号

Support Engineer

Enterprise Commerce

For Microsoft Customer Service & Support

Working Hours: M-F 8h00 – 17h00 UTC+1

购买 Google Voice 靓号 / GV 靓号

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