
手上的 Google Workspace For Education / Google Workspace 教育版 / G Suite 教育版 / GS 教育版升级时间为 2011 年


虽然 Google Workspace For Education / Google Workspace 教育版 / G Suite 教育版 / GS 教育版显示的订阅时间是 2013 年,但众所周知,这个时间不一定是全局的注册时间,更不一定是升级为教育版的时间




Thanks for your message.

Welcome to Google Apps for Education! We have reviewed your application and are excited to upgrade your Google Apps account.

To view these changes, log in to your control panel at Note: Your extension may vary (ex.: .com, .edu, .org).  If you do not see these changes upon logging in, you may reply to this message.

Within the control panel, you can enable advanced features, such as additional users, mail migration, calendar resource creation, and Google Apps APIs for single-sign on or integration with existing user directories.

If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve prepared some material to help you manage a successful deployment. For more information, check out

You can contact our support team via email through the Google Apps Help Center at, or get in touch by phone for critical issues. When contacting us, please provide your Support PIN, domain name, and Customer PIN. For security purposes your Support PIN and Customer PIN will be updated periodically, and both can be found in the control panel under the ‘Account information’ tab.

We also offer a range of security and compliance services available at a discount for qualified organizations. These services can be used to apply customizable content-based rules for email messages or to create a closed email domain for a specific set of users. For more information see:

Otherwise, please do not reply directly to this approval message – we won’t be able to see your response, and we want to make sure we hear from you.


The Google Apps Team


购买 Google Voice 靓号 / GV 靓号

1 评论

  1. 这,有啥用?
